
Showing posts from June, 2019

Let Me Introduce Myself

My exposure to cancer began many years ago. At the young age of 8, I experienced the "c" word for the first time when my maternal grandmother passed away from metastatic breast cancer. My 35 year old mother, concerned she too may have this dreadful disease, sought out a doctor for her first mammogram and pap smear. Sadly, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I remember having a distant aunt come to care for me and my younger brother while mom recovered from her hysterectomy. Thankfully, it was caught early and if it had not been for the death of my grandmother, I would have lost my mother too. One of my greatest joys at that time was playing with Ideal's Petite Princess Fantasy Dollhouse Furniture and I immersed myself into this "Fantasy World" whenever I could. My love for Petite Princess would remain with me into adulthood.  Fast forward a half a century, I am now the author of The Complete Reference Guide to Ideal's 1964 and 1965 Petite Prin